Can I read Libby ebooks on a Kobo eReader?


Many newer Kobo models include built-in OverDrive support, which lets you add your library card and read ebooks directly on your Kobo ereader. Learn more and see which devices are supported on Kobo's "OverDrive: Common questions" page.

If you have a Kobo with built-in OverDrive support, here are your browsing and reading options:

  • You can browse, borrow, and read directly on your Kobo. This is the best way to borrow books from your library.
  • You can browse and borrow books in Libby (on a supported device), then read on your Kobo. Compatible books will appear on your Kobo when you sync your Kobo over Wi-Fi. For this option to work correctly, make sure you're signed into OverDrive on your Kobo with the same library card you use in Libby.

    Note: Not all ebooks in Libby are compatible with Kobo, so some ebook loans won't sync onto your Kobo. Additionally, audiobooks and magazines from Libby are not supported on Kobo devices.

For older Kobo devices, you can add books you've borrowed with Libby to your Kobo using Adobe Digital Editions. Learn more about transferring books to an ereader from Libby or visit Kobo's "Add eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions" page for additional information and device-related troubleshooting.

  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2024
  • Views 121
  • Answered By Victoria Slaughter

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